Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Israel, Just Do It!

Amid the drama around the Palestinian bid for UN member state recognition, Republicans in the US House of Representatives introduced a bill that expresses support for Israel's annexation of Judea and Samaria in the event that the Palestinian Authority continues to push for a vote at the United Nations.

But if annexing these areas is good for Israel (and also good for the Arab residents of Judea and Samaria, as advocated by Moshe Arens), why make it conditional on what the Palestinians or UN do?  Israel previously annexed East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights with little practical international resistance.  With a green light from a powerful group of lawmakers on the rise in Washington, what is holding Israel back?

Israeli security doctrine traditionally relied on preemption - neutralizing a threat before it reaches critical mass.  Israel should preempt the UN vote by annexing Judea and Samaria today, and declare once and for all that the Jordan River is Israel's eastern border.  This could be important, lest anyone get the wrong idea about the  גדר ההפרדה (separation fence) that was built by Israel in a pattern that could possibly be construed by casual observers as being "based on the 1967 lines."

Netanyahu - this is your moment.  For Israel you can do what Begin and Shamir never achieved.  You can clear your own record by erasing the stains of the Hebron Accord and Wye Plantation that you negotiated with Yassir Arafat.  The Tea Party has your back in Washington.  Obama is terrified of losing the Jewish vote next year.  The organized American Jewish community will support you in any case.

What are you waiting for?